Fleur de Vie workshop


Photo Fleur de Vie workshop

L'atelier de la fleur de vie was born in September 2022

The workshop consists of the engraving on stone of waves of form belonging to the register of operative drawings and sacred volumes from the great religions, the various spiritual currents and contemporary radionic transmitters. During the diffusion of the various works created at the Farnce wellness fairs, it was noticed that an informational song of healing and accompaniment to the person generated a sensation of wellbeing and appeasement. I was subsequently asked to give a free talk on the subject, and to explain my own vision of the quantum-informational chant I had created. Today, research is underway with the Sophia Antipolis-based company Quantaform, which works in Meta-Therapy, and my engraved, sacralized flowers of life are used to cleanse spaces and places, or to energize water. One-day training courses will be held from June to September 2024 at La Martre.


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Phone +33 6 22 70 38 44

83840 - LA MARTRE

Modified from 09/02/2024 by "Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Lacs et Gorges du Verdon".

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