Introduction to astronomy evening at Baudinard-Sur-Verdon


Photo Introduction to astronomy evening at Baudinard-Sur-Verdon

Come and discover the constellations, and learn how to observe and photograph the Moon and starry skies with our telescopes at the théâtre de verdure in Baudinard-sur-Verdon.

The evening begins with a lecture on the theme of astronomy.
Once night has fallen, the lecture is followed by a constellation discovery session using a laser pointer. With the naked eye, you'll discover the main constellations such as the Big Dipper, the North Star, Cassiopeia, the Great Summer Triangle and the Milky Way, as well as many other constellations.


Phone +33 6 62 25 58 31


Modified from 02/08/2023 by "Office de Tourisme Intercommunal Lacs et Gorges du Verdon".

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